
Hélicoptères Guimbal: Cabri G2

The Cabri G2 is entirely certified following EASA CS-24 and FAR-27 rules, covering all helicopters under a maximum gross weight of 3175 kg.

Thanks to its semi-articulated, three-bladed rotor, using innovative new technologies, the Cabri offers a unique combination of maneuverability and stability. Flight tested and certified in flight conditions by far exceeding those of existing piston engine helicopters, it can be flown safely in a wide flight envelope; so far reserved to the best turbine helicopters: strong winds, turbulence, maneuvers.

Though, the Cabri has an outstanding stability in a hover and in cruise, akin helicopters five time the size. It is enhanced by an innovative four-way trim system, controllable by both pilots.

The Cabri Main rotor was designed with training in mind, to allow a safe and efficient autorotation practice. Its composite blades have a very high inertia, and last-generation evolutive airfoils. They give the helicopter an autorotation ability which exceeds by 50% teh minimum USA army requirement, and is twice that of some popular training helicopters.

The Cabri’s Fenestron is the result of 25 years of experience, and is covered by several patents. Its tough shroud, and energy absorbing skid, with a 1.2 meter ground clearance, provide un unmatchable safety for people standing around, during close-to-the-ground maneuvers, and during landing in cluttered area

The Cabri is the only piston helicopter designed from scratch with occupants protection in mind. It’s the only one to meet the recent EASA CS27 and FAR 27 regulation, that requires a high impact energy absorption

The Cabri occupants enjoy a roomy, luxurious, leather-clad cockpit, with perfect all-round visibility and outstanding ergonomics.
The heart of the Cabri G2’s avionics is the EPM, a very sophisticated ‘glass cockpit’ monitor, which gathers in one single neat and sharp display, all the helicopter’s and powerplant functions

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